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About Dave:

Dave Stretch sings and plays guitar & bass in several different bands around Southern California, including his own solo guitar gigs.  He tinkers on piano and drums.  He writes and records, and has released two solo albums. 


An Exercise in Vanity came out in 2009.  His long-awaited follow up “Life, Still…”, was released in 2018.


He particularly enjoys changing the words to beloved songs, adding harmonies that don’t exist in the original, and playing slightly louder than is appropriate.  He is world famous in parts of Yorba Linda.  He hates mean people.  He can play any song he has heard at least once, and some that he has never heard before.  He eats too much junk food and has a weakness for eating sweets before bed.  He believes that major 7th chords get a bad rap for being ‘cheesy’.  He thinks that perfect pitch, political commentary and hair are overrated.  

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